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Toy Soldiers Prods Presents:


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Apologies from Menti

Hey guys!

Yet again I owe you big apologies - we haven't been very active recently. But you also have to understand us - it is difficoult to keep the hype for the game with so little amount of... things from the game :) What I mean is - we are both very excited about the game, but new elements introduced don't realy give us the wood right now... You see, I love the lore in SW, and it is great that Bioware is making the world, or more like it, the universe so deep and vast that it will be pure pleasure being a part of it next year. However, neither Sliv (I think) nor I me are lore geeks. Its cool to know all the stuff introduced in holonet, but it doesn't realy push us forward in TSP project.
So when we are low on materials, we also don't do much with TSP ;]

Anyway, enough talk. We will be working on new podcast this week and there is one on my comp waiting for some nice music to be added to it. So, if time will let me, I will release 2 new pods this week. But there are not promises! ;]

Thanks for your support so far, we hope we won't dissapoint you in the future.

May the force be with you,

I may love Star Wars, I may love Sliv,
But nothing makes me happier,
Than my girlfirend's kiss ;] <- Dedicated for my biggest fan


  1. looking forward to more post, i enjoy your commentary on the videos.

  2. First person to comment! OMG! We shall menshion that in podcast #5 ;]
